Use this menu to perform operations on text. Not available now because there is no text in the current window.
Edit menu
Use this menu to perform operations on text. Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen.
Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen.
Restores recent changes in the current text window.
Restores recent changes in the current text window. Not available now because it isn't implemented yet.
Cuts the selected text. The material you cut is removed and placed temporarily into the Clipboard.
Cuts the selected text. The material you cut is removed and placed temporarily into the Clipboard. Not available now because no text is selected or the text cannot be modified.
Copies the selected text. The material you copy is placed temporarily into the Clipboard.
Copies the selected text. The material you copy is placed temporarily into the Clipboard. Not available now because no text is selected.
Copies the text from the Clipboard and places it into the current document.
Copies the text from the Clipboard and places it into the current document. Not available now because the Clipboard is empty or the text cannot be modified.
Cuts the selected text without copying it to the Clipboard.
Cuts the selected text without copying it to the Clipboard. Not available now because no text is selected or the text cannot be modified.
Selects all of the text in the current window.
Selects all of the text in the current window. Not available now because there is no text in the current window.